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Fostering Children's Stewardship of Local Nature Through Game Co-design.

, , , and . OZCHI, page 38-50. ACM, (2021)

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Nature Fictions: Designing for a Sustainable Future through Nature Relations., , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 1566-1580. ACM, (2023)Positive Gaming: Workshop on Gamification and Games for Wellbeing., , , , , and . CHI PLAY (Companion), page 657-660. ACM, (2017)Playing Alone, Playing With Others: Differences in Player Experience and Indicators of Wellbeing., , and . CHI PLAY, page 3-12. ACM, (2015)Rethinking the Development of Computational Thinking Skills in Young Children through Nature Play., , , , , , and . OZCHI, page 536-549. ACM, (2023)Flourishing and video games., and . IE, page 19. ACM, (2012)Exploring technologies to better link physical evidence and digital information for disaster victim identification., , , , , and . CoRR, (2021)Phenology Probes: Exploring Human-Nature Relations for Designing Sustainable Futures., , , and . OZCHI, page 216-228. ACM, (2022)The Social Context of Video Game Play: Challenges and Strategies., , , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, page 761-772. ACM, (2016)Positively playful: when videogames lead to player wellbeing., , and . Gamification, page 99-102. ACM, (2013)Phenology Circles: A Method to Deepen Relations in More-Than-Human Design Processes., , , and . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, ACM, (2024)