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System identification of Just Walk: A behavioral mHealth intervention for promoting physical activity.

, , , , , , and . ACC, page 116-121. IEEE, (2017)

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System identification of Just Walk: A behavioral mHealth intervention for promoting physical activity., , , , , , and . ACC, page 116-121. IEEE, (2017)An enhanced identification test monitoring procedure for MIMO systems relying on uncertainty estimates., , and . CDC, page 2091-2096. IEEE, (2016)An identification test monitoring procedure for MIMO systems based on statistical uncertainty estimation., , and . CDC, page 2719-2724. IEEE, (2015)A Control Engineering and System Identification Approach to Improve a Cocoa Biofertilization Process., , , and . ACC, page 380-385. IEEE, (2018)A system identification approach for improving behavioral interventions based on Social Cognitive Theory., , , and . ACC, page 5878-5883. IEEE, (2015)An Affordable Approach for Implementing Hybrid Classes with Portable Equipment in Ecuadorian Academic Institutions., and . GHTC, page 372-377. IEEE, (2023)Control Systems Engineering for Optimizing Behavioral mHealth Interventions., , , , , and . Mobile Health - Sensors, Analytic Methods, and Applications, Springer, (2017)A Kalman filter-based Hybrid Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Mixed Logical Dynamical Systems: Application to Optimized Interventions for Physical Activity., , , , and . CDC, page 2586-2593. IEEE, (2022)The importance of behavior theory in control system modeling of physical activity sensor data., , and . EMBC, page 6880-6883. IEEE, (2014)A dynamical systems model of Social Cognitive Theory., , , , , , and . ACC, page 2407-2412. IEEE, (2014)