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Time-Scale Transferring Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Mapping Early Rice., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 1136-1139. IEEE, (2018)Mapping Highly Heterogeneous Impervious Surface in the Urban-Rural Fringe using Integrated Hard and Soft Classification from Incorporating Spectral and Texture Features., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 6951-6954. IEEE, (2018)Transferable deep learning model based on the phenological matching principle for mapping crop extent., , , , и . Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, (2021)Edge Pricing Mechanisms under Cloud Tiered Pricing., , и . BigCom, стр. 54-62. IEEE, (2022)A Truthful FPTAS Auction for the Edge-Cloud Pricing Problem., , и . BigCom, стр. 140-144. IEEE, (2020)Develop Large-Area Autumn Crop Type Product Using a Deep Learning Strategy., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 4673-4676. IEEE, (2020)Crop distribution mapping using hard and soft change detection method with multi-temporal remote sensing images., , , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 3293-3296. IEEE, (2013)Support vector domain description model to map specific land cover with optimal parameters determined from window-based validation set., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 4774-4777. IEEE, (2017)Cropland Mapping in Fragmented Agricultural Landscape Using Modified Pyramid Scene Parsing Network., , , , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 9831-9834. IEEE, (2019)Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Large Scale Cropland Mapping with Historical Label Dataset., , , и . IGARSS, стр. 4659-4662. IEEE, (2018)