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Coping with the upcoming heterogeneity in 5G communications and storage using Fulcrum network codes., , , и . ISWCS, стр. 997-1001. IEEE, (2014)Random shift and XOR of unequal-sized packets (RaSOR) to shave off transmission overhead., , и . CISS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Approaching the limits in routing in power line communication exploiting Network Coding., , и . ISPLC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Kodo: An Open and Research Oriented Network Coding Library., , и . Networking Workshops, том 6827 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 145-152. Springer, (2011)Sub-Transport Layer Coding: A Simple Network Coding Shim for IP Traffic., , , и . VTC Fall, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2014)Cooperative IP header compression for parallel channels in wireless meshed networks., , , , и . ICC, стр. 1331-1335. IEEE, (2005)Network coding over the 232-5 prime field., , , и . ICC, стр. 2922-2927. IEEE, (2013)On the need of novel Medium Access Control schemes for network coding enabled wireless mesh networks., , , и . ICC Workshops, стр. 306-311. IEEE, (2013)On the need for buffer optimization strategies for inter-session network coding., , и . ICC Workshops, стр. 343-348. IEEE, (2014)Link layer algorithms for efficient multicast service provisioning in 3G cellular systems., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 3855-3860. IEEE, (2004)