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Comparative dynamics of fixed versus flexible discount rate growth models. Economics Letters, 42 (4): 357--359 (1993)The stochastic turnpike property without uniformity in convex aggregate growth models. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27 (7): 1289--1315 (мая 2003)Recursive utility, martingales, and the asymptotic behaviour of optimal processes. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21 (2-3): 505--523 (00 1997)Convergence to symmetry in dynamic strategic models of R&D: The undiscounted case, и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 25 (12): 1881--1897 (декабря 2001)A framework to analyze comparative dynamics in a continuous time stochastic growth model. Economic Modelling, 15 (1): 125--134 (01.01.1998)Randomization as a strategy for sellers during price discrimination, and impact on bidders' privacy., , и . WPES, стр. 73-76. ACM, (2006)Color Image Encryption Using Novel Blackjack Based Scrambling Scheme., , и . EMS, стр. 191-195. IEEE, (2011)Unequal connections., и . Int. J. Game Theory, 34 (3): 319-349 (2006)Asymmetric outcome in a symmetric dynamic duopoly. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 (2): 531--555 (февраля 2007)Color image encryption through a novel chess based confusion scheme using chaotic map., и . ISSPIT, стр. 444-448. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)