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Optimal taxation, global externalities and labor mobility, и . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2001)Optimal taxation, global externalities and labor mobility, и . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (12): 2749--2764 (декабря 2003)The political economy of publicly provided private goods, и . Journal of Public Economics, 73 (1): 31--54 (июля 1999)Optimal redistributive taxation when government's and agents' preferences differ, и . Journal of Public Economics, 90 (6-7): 1215--1233 (августа 2006)Tax reform evaluation using non-parametric methods: Sweden 1980-1991, , и . Journal of Public Economics, 79 (3): 543--568 (марта 2001)Estimation methods for male labor supply functions How to take account of nonlinear taxes. Journal of Econometrics, 70 (2): 383--405 (февраля 1996)Nonparametric Estimation with Nonlinear Budget Sets, и . Econometrica, 70 (6): 2455--2480 (305 11 2002)doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00381.Restrictions in labor supply estimation: Is the MaCurdy critique correct?. Economics Letters, 47 (3-4): 229--235 (марта 1995)The effect of income taxation on the labor supply of married men in Sweden. Journal of Public Economics, 22 (2): 169--197 (ноября 1983)Should educational expenses be deductible? : A comparison of tax bases in a model where education is a choice variable. Journal of Public Economics, 18 (1): 65--83 (июня 1982)