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The Effect of the Router Arbitration Policy on the Scalability of ServerNet.

, , and . IPPS/SPDP, page 604-609. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)

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The Risk of Data Corruption in Microprocessor-based Systems., , and . FTCS, page 576-585. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Reliable design of high-speed cache and control store memories.. FTCS, page 259-266. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)Task flow: A novel approach to fine-grain wafer-scale parallel computing. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA, (1991)The Effect of the Router Arbitration Policy on the Scalability of ServerNet., , and . IPPS/SPDP, page 604-609. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Fair Arbitration in Point-to-Point Networks., , and . Annual Simulation Symposium, page 50-57. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)IP Storage and the CPU Consumption Myth.. NCA, page 194-200. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Challenges in Designing Fault-Tolerant Systems., , , and . FTCS, page 114. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Massively Parallel Systems You Can Trust.. COMPCON, page 236-241. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Performance Modeling of ServerNetTM SAN Topologies., , , , , and . J. Supercomput., 14 (1): 19-37 (1999)Maximum Delivery Time and Hot Spots in ServerNet(tm) Topologies., , , , , and . IPPS, page 756-762. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)