Author of the publication

Design Rule Hierarchies and Parallelism in Software Development Tasks.

, , , , and . ASE, page 197-208. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)

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Design Rule Hierarchies and Parallelism in Software Development Tasks., , , , and . ASE, page 197-208. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Automatically Tagging the ÄAA" Pattern in Unit Test Cases Using Machine Learning Models., , , , , , and . ASE, page 194:1-194:3. ACM, (2022)Automatically identifying performance issue reports with heuristic linguistic patterns., , , , , , and . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 964-975. ACM, (2020)An automatic refactoring framework for replacing test-production inheritance by mocking mechanism., , , , and . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 540-552. ACM, (2021)Model-Driven Impact Analysis of Software Product Lines., , , , and . Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development, IGI Global, (2011)Comparing four approaches for technical debt identification., , , , , , and . Softw. Qual. J., 22 (3): 403-426 (2014)From Inheritance to Mockito: An Automatic Refactoring Approach., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 49 (4): 2791-2814 (April 2023)How Do Developers Structure Unit Test Cases? An Empirical Study from the ÄAA" Perspective., , , , and . CoRR, (2024)High Sensitivity of Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing in Colon Tissue Biopsy by Host DNA Depletion., , , , , , , , and . Genom. Proteom. Bioinform., 21 (6): 1195-1205 (2023)JMocker: Refactoring Test-Production Inheritance by Mockito., , , , and . ICSE-Companion, page 125-129. ACM/IEEE, (2022)