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Magnetic excitations in a bond-centered stripe phase: Spin waves far from the semi-classical limit, and . Phys. Rev. Lett., (2004)Interplay of charge density waves, disorder, and superconductivity in 2H-TaSe$_2$ elucidated by NMR, , , , and . New J. Phys., (Apr 5, 2022)Heisenberg-Kitaev models on hyperhoneycomb and stripy-honeycomb lattices: 3D-2D equivalence of ordered states and phase diagrams, , and . Phys. Rev. Res., 2 (1): 012021 (Jan 21, 2020)cite arxiv:1907.05423Comment: 5+5 pages, 8 figures, 1 table.Nematic quantum criticality in dirac systems, , , , , , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 128 (15): 157203 (Apr 12, 2022)Magnetic quantum phase transition in a metallic Kondo heterostructure, , , , and . Phys. Rev. B, 107 (16): 165104 (Apr 4, 2023)Kondo breakdown transitions and phase-separation tendencies in valence-fluctuating heavy-fermion metals, and . Phys. Rev. B, 106 (23): 235127 (Dec 14, 2022)Spin chain on a metallic surface: Dissipation-induced order versus Kondo entanglement, , , and . Phys. Rev. B, 106 (16): L161103 (Oct 4, 2022)Mott quantum criticality in the one-band Hubbard model: Dynamical mean-field theory, power-law spectra, and scaling, , and . Phys. Rev. B, 100 (15): 155152 (Oct 31, 2019)cite arxiv:1906.05293Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures.Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet, , , , , , and . Nature, (Aug 31, 2022)Magnon Landau levels and emergent supersymmetry in strained antiferromagnets, , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., 123 (20): 207204 (Nov 15, 2019)cite arxiv:1903.05097Comment: 5+6 pages, 3+5 figs.