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Pattern-based clustering and attribute analysis., , и . Soft Comput., 10 (5): 442-452 (2006)Preface.. Discret. Math., 306 (10-11): 851-852 (2006)Logical analysis of numerical data., , , и . Math. Program., (1997)Boolean Aspects of Network Reliability., , и . Boolean Models and Methods, Cambridge University Press, (2010)Synthesis of Multilevel Boolean Networks., , , , и . Boolean Models and Methods, Cambridge University Press, (2010)Compositions and Clones of Boolean Functions., , , и . Boolean Models and Methods, Cambridge University Press, (2010)A Polynomial Algorithm for Balancing Acyclic Data Flow Graphs., , и . IEEE Trans. Computers, 41 (11): 1380-1385 (1992)Chvátal Cuts and ODD Cycle Inequalities in Quadratic 0 - 1 Optimization., , и . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 5 (2): 163-177 (1992)Pseudo-Boolean Programming., и . Operations Research, 17 (2): 233-261 (1969)Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Error-Correcting Codes., , и . Boolean Models and Methods, Cambridge University Press, (2010)