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Architectural considerations for rate-flexible trellis processing blocks.

, , and . PIMRC, page 1076-1080. IEEE, (2005)

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Advances in constant envelope coded modulation., and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 29 (12): 36-45 (1991)Decoding of severely filtered modulation codes using the (M, L) algorithm., and . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 7 (6): 1006-1016 (1989)A Robust 9.6 Kb/s Subband Coder Design For The Rayleigh Fading Channel., , and . ICC (3), page 1163-1168. Elsevier, (1984)Logarithmic Bit-Significance Ratio: Definition, Calculation Rules and Examples., , and . ISIT, page 2869-2873. IEEE, (2006)A review of faster than Nyquist signaling with an extension to four-level modulation.. ISTC, page 6-10. IEEE, (2016)The two dimensional Mazo limit., and . ISIT, page 970-974. IEEE, (2005)A 3μW 500 kb/s ultra low power analog decoder with digital I/O in 65 nm CMOS., , , and . ICECS, page 349-352. IEEE, (2013)Analysis of best high rate convolutional codes for faster than Nyquist turbo equalization., and . ISIT, page 1987-1991. IEEE, (2014)Sequential decoding on intersymbol interference channels under the Pe-criterion., and . Information Theory and Applications, volume 793 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 203-222. Springer, (1993)CDD: a Conserved Domain Database for protein classification., , , , , , , , , and 14 other author(s). Nucleic Acids Res., 33 (Database-Issue): 192-196 (2005)