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Correctness in General Configurations of Transactional Components.

, , , and . PODS, page 285-293. ACM Press, (1999)

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On Index Intervals and Their Optimisation.. IFIP Congress, page 493-498. (1980)Interoperability In Multidatabases: Semantic and System Issues (Panel)., , , , , and . VLDB, page 561. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Correctness and Parallelism of Composite Systems., , , and . PODS, page 197-208. ACM Press, (1997)XMLTM: efficient transaction management for XML documents, , and . (2002)Ein Datenbank-Kernsystem für anwendungsspezifische Schichten - Architektur der DASDBS-Familie / A Database Kernel System Supporting Application-Specific Layers- Architecture of the DASDBS Family.. it Inf. Technol., 29 (3): 153-164 (1987)PowerDB-XML: A Platform for Data-Centric and Document-Centric XML Processing., and . Xsym, volume 2824 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 100-117. Springer, (2003)Hyperdatenbank-Infrastruktur für dynamische Informationsräume., and . GI Jahrestagung, volume P-19 of LNI, page 609. GI, (2002)Fine-Grained Replication and Scheduling with Freshness and Correctness Guarantees., , , , , and . VLDB, page 565-576. ACM, (2005)A Relational Object Model., and . ICDT, volume 470 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 89-105. Springer, (1990)Information retrieval with APL by adaptive index and user guidance., and . APL, page 385-392. ACM, (1979)