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Micro-pose for Gesture Recognition with Bodily-Pose Decomposition., , и . HCI (26), том 434 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 451-456. Springer, (2014)Virtual Flying Experience Contents Using Upper-Body Gesture Recognition., , и . HCI (28), том 373 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 367-371. Springer, (2013)A 802.11 MAC Backoff Mechanism for Decreasing Mobile IP Handoff Latency., , , и . International Conference on Wireless Networks, стр. 390-394. CSREA Press, (2004)Framework Development of Series Hybrid Powertrain Design for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Considering Driving Conditions., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 68 (7): 6468-6480 (2019)Urban Smart Block: An Open IoT Platform for Creating Online-to-Offline Services in Urban Environments., и . Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst., 10 (3): 21-31 (2019)Auto-calibration and noise reduction for the sinusoidal signals of magnetic encoders., , , и . IECON, стр. 3286-3291. IEEE, (2017)CAT: Contrastive Adapter Training for Personalized Image Generation., , , , и . CoRR, (2024)Design of gateway based on CC-LINK IE field and serial communication., , , , и . IECON, стр. 3378-3383. IEEE, (2017)Analysis of Tactile Elements Based on Classification of a Tactile User Interface., и . RACS, стр. 173-174. ACM, (2016)An Embedded Healthcare System for Blood Glucose Monitoring in a Body Area Network., , , , и . International Conference on Wireless Networks, стр. 858-861. CSREA Press, (2004)