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LFA: A Lévy Walk and Firefly-Based Search Algorithm: Application to Multi-Target Search and Multi-Robot Foraging., , и . Big Data Cogn. Comput., 6 (1): 22 (2022)Towards a Reference Architecture for Swarm Intelligence-Based Internet of Things., , , , , и . IDCS, том 10794 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 75-86. Springer, (2017)Binary Gabor pattern (BGP) descriptor and principal component analysis (PCA) for steel surface defects classification., , , и . ICAASE, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2020)New approach based on light enhancement and real-time dual CNN for classification of COVID-19 X-ray images., , , и . Evol. Syst., 15 (3): 1073-1097 (июня 2024)A multi-agent reinforcement learning based approach for intelligent traffic signal control., , , и . Evol. Syst., 15 (6): 2383-2397 (декабря 2024)Background subtraction using Artificial Immune Recognition System and Single Gaussian (AIRS-SG)., , и . Multim. Tools Appl., 79 (35-36): 26099-26121 (2020)Combination of multiple classifiers for off-line handwritten arabic word recognition., и . Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 14 (5): 713-720 (2017)Improved gaussian mixture model with background spotter for the extraction of moving objects., , и . Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 13 (6A): 807-816 (2016)A Segmentation-Recognition Approach with a Fuzzy-Artificial Immune System for Unconstrained Handwritten Connected Digits., , и . Informatica (Slovenia), (2018)Extension et Parallèlisation d'un Algorithme de Chiffrement Évolutionnaire basé Occurrences., , и . CIIA, том 547 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2009)