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Swarm ant algorithm incorporation for navigation of resource collecting robots.

, , , , and . BioRob, page 987-992. IEEE, (2014)

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Swarm ant algorithm incorporation for navigation of resource collecting robots., , , , and . BioRob, page 987-992. IEEE, (2014)Intensity estimation from shot-noise data., and . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 43 (6): 1527-1531 (1995)Improved performance of pilot-assisted DS-CDMA receivers through partial interference cancellation., and . VTC Spring, page 2047-2051. IEEE, (2002)Discrete Voronoi Diagrams and the SKIZ Operator: A Dynamic Algorithm., and . IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 19 (10): 1165-1170 (1997)Blind intensity estimation from shot-noise data., and . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 45 (2): 421-433 (1997)Image detection under low-level illumination., , and . IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2 (1): 18-26 (1993)Dynamic algorithm for constructing discrete Voronoi diagrams., and . Electronic Imaging: Nonlinear Image Processing, volume 2662 of SPIE Proceedings, page 0000. SPIE, (1996)Assessing the influence and impact of R & D institutions by mapping international scientific networks : the case of INESC Porto, and . Economics and Management Research Projects: An International Journal, 1 (1): 8--19 (2011)