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The Impact of Reduced Computational Complexity of Multiuser Detectors on the Processing Gain in a Wireless DS-CDMA Multiuser System., , и . ICWN, стр. 70-76. CSREA Press, (2007)Combining the Synchronous Protocol with the Optimistic Time Management Algorithm (TMA) to Improve the Latency and the Processor Idle Time., и . PDPTA, стр. 290-296. CSREA Press, (2008)A Novel Encrypted Database Technique to Develop a Secure Application for an Academic Institution., , , и . TeNe, стр. 293-298. Springer, (2008)A new technique of switch & feedback job scheduling mechanism in a distributed system., , , и . SpringSim, SCS/ACM, (2009)Implementation of Tree and Butterfly Barriers with Optimistic Time Management Algorithms for Discrete Event Simulation., , и . SCSS (2), стр. 455-460. Springer, (2008)A New Methodology for Self Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , и . TeNe, стр. 263-268. Springer, (2008)Reducing null message traffic in large parallel and distributed systems., , и . ISCC, стр. 1115-1121. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Improving the Data Rate in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Orthogonal Frequency Code Division (OFCD)., , и . TeNe, стр. 287-292. Springer, (2008)An Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mesh-Hypercube (M-H) Networks., , и . PDPTA, стр. 69-75. CSREA Press, (2008)Transformation Matrix System for Reducing the Computational Complexity of Wireless Multi-User Receivers for DS-CDMA Systems., , и . ITNG, стр. 1251-1252. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)