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Dynamic modeling and input shaping of thermal bimorph MEMS actuators., , , , , and . ICRA, page 1470-1475. IEEE, (2003)Simultaneous Visual Tracking and Pose Estimation with Applications to Robotic Actors., , , , and . IPCV, page 497-503. CSREA Press, (2008)High Yield Automated MEMS Assembly., , , , and . CASE, page 1099-1104. IEEE, (2007)Semi-distributed manipulation on a friction force field., and . IROS, page 220-225. IEEE, (2001)A topological algorithm for continuous grasp planning., and . ICRA, page 670-675. IEEE, (1990)Variably-Autonomous Manipulation., , , and . ICRA, page 3217-3222. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A computational model of prehensility and its application to dextrous manipulation., and . ICRA, page 878-883. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)A Feature Extraction Metod for Multimedia data Analysis in Robot Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , , and . WIAMIS, page 79. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)On Computing a Distance Measure for Path Planning., , and . ICRA (1), page 554-559. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1993)Dynamic modularization and synchronization for intelligent robot coordination: the concept of functional time-dependency., and . ICRA, page 508-513. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)