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Moving frames for laplace invariants., and . ISSAC, page 295-302. ACM, (2008)On the Modern Notion of a Moving Frame., and . Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice, Springer, (2011)Digital atlases and difference forms.. ISSAC, page 3-4. ACM, (2008)Discrete Moving Frames and Discrete Integrable Systems., , and . Found. Comput. Math., 13 (4): 545-582 (2013)Towards approximations which preserve integrals., and . ISSAC, page 217-222. ACM, (2001)Elimination theory for differential difference polynomials., and . ISSAC, page 191-198. ACM, (2003)Extensions of Noether's Second Theorem: from continuous to discrete systems, and . Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 467 (2135): 3206-3221 (November 2011)Algorithms for Symmetric Differential Systems.. Found. Comput. Math., 1 (4): 335-383 (2001)