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Visual tracking with VG-RAM Weightless Neural Networks., , , , and . Neurocomputing, (2016)Map Memorization and Forgetting in the IARA Autonomous Car., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2018)Traffic Light Recognition Using Deep Learning and Prior Maps for Autonomous Cars., , , , , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Deep traffic light detection by overlaying synthetic context on arbitrary natural images., , , , , , , and . Comput. Graph., (2021)Handling pedestrians in self-driving cars using image tracking and alternative path generation with Frenét frames., , , , , , , , and . Comput. Graph., (2019)Evaluation of Two Parallel Finite Element Implementations of the Time-Dependent Advection Diffusion Problem: GPU versus Cluster Considering Time and Energy Consumption., , , , and . VECPAR, volume 7851 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 149-162. Springer, (2012)Obtaining evidence of learning in digital games through a deep learning neural network to classify facial expressions of the players., , and . FIE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Detecting Cancerous Tissue in Mammograms Using Deep Neural Networks., , , , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2021)Path Planning in Unstructured Urban Environments for Self-driving Cars., , , , , , and . ICINCO, page 290-300. SCITEPRESS, (2021)A light-weight yet accurate localization system for autonomous cars in large-scale and complex environments., , , , , , , and . ITSC, page 520-525. IEEE, (2016)