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Cooperation between strands of practice: challenges and opportunities for the renewal of OR.

, , und . J. Oper. Res. Soc., 49 (4): 369-380 (1998)

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Cooperation between strands of practice: challenges and opportunities for the renewal of OR., , und . J. Oper. Res. Soc., 49 (4): 369-380 (1998)Concurrent software development., , und . Commun. ACM, 43 (11es): 4 (2000)Analysis of European Software Development Productivity., , und . ECIS, Seite 357-366. (1996)The Sourcing Hub and Upstream Supplier Networks., , und . Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 16 (2): 238-250 (2014)On-line error bounds for steady-state approximations: a potential solution to the initialization bias problem., , , und . WSC, Seite 460-469. WSC, (2001)Total quality in software development: An empirical study of quality drivers and benefits in Indian software projects., , und . Inf. Manag., 47 (7-8): 372-379 (2010)The Evolution of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Research, und . Operations Research, 57 (1): 10--18 (2009)An Empirical Analysis of Software Production Problems in European Software Units., , und . ECIS, Seite 465-481. Copenhagen Business School, (1999)Quality competition for screening and treatment services., , und . Ann. Oper. Res., 178 (1): 201-222 (2010)Market Segmentation and Product Technology Selection for Remanufacturable Products., , und . Manag. Sci., 51 (8): 1193-1205 (2005)