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Improved Performance of Gene Set Analysis on Genome-Wide Transcriptomics Data when Using Gene Activity State Estimates.

, , , and . PSB, page 449-460. (2017)

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Improved Performance of Gene Set Analysis on Genome-Wide Transcriptomics Data when Using Gene Activity State Estimates., , , and . PSB, page 449-460. (2017)Identification and Analysis of Bacterial Genomic Metabolic Signatures., , , and . PSB, page 3-14. (2017)Leveraging summary statistics to make inferences about complex phenotypes in large biobanks., , , , , , and . PSB, page 391-402. (2019)Analyzing metabolomics data for association with genotypes using two-component Gaussian mixture distributions., , , , and . PSB, page 496-506. (2018)Evaluating the consistency of gene sets used in the analysis of bacterial gene expression data., , , , , and . BMC Bioinform., (2012)Computationally Efficient, Exact, Covariate-Adjusted Genetic Principal Component Analysis byLeveraging Individual Marker Summary Statistics from Large Biobanks., , , , , and . PSB, page 719-730. (2020)Implementing and Evaluating A Gaussian Mixture Framework for Identifying Gene Function from TnSeq Data., , , , , , and . PSB, page 172-183. (2019)A Powerful Method for Including Genotype Uncertainty in Tests of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium., , , and . PSB, page 368-379. (2017)