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BILEX: A new tool measuring bilingual children's lexicons and translational equivalents, , и . First Language, 38 (3): 263--283 (октября 2017)Die Rolle von Vorbildern in der sozial-kognitiven Entwicklung, и . Psychologie & Erziehung, (2016)Bilingual Children Adapt to the Needs of Their Communication Partners, Monolinguals Do Not, , и . Child Development, 90 (1): 98--107 (декабря 2018)Intra-individual variability and continuity of action and perception measures in infants, , и . Frontiers in Psychology, (2015)Higher levels of motor competence are associated with reduced interference in action perception across the lifespan, , и . Psychological Research, 83 (3): 432--444 (01.04.2019)Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference, , , , , , , , , и 139 other автор(ы). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3 (1): 24--52 (марта 2020)Communicative and social consequences of interactions with voice assistants, , , и . Computers in Human Behavior, (ноября 2020)Imitation is beneficial for verb learning in toddlers, , и . European Journal of Developmental Psychology, (2016)Bilingual toddlers have advanced abilities to repair communication failure, , и . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, (марта 2017)Effects of the Type of Childcare on Toddlers' Motor, Social, Cognitive, and Language Skills, , и . Swiss Journal of Psychology, 78 (3-4): 81--90 (августа 2019)