Author of the publication

Minimax Regret of Finite Partial-Monitoring Games in Stochastic Environments

, , and . COLT, page 133--154. (July 2011)

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Toward a Classification of Finite Partial-Monitoring Games, , and . ALT, page 224--238. (October 2010)Online Least Squares Estimation with Self-Normalized Processes: An Application to Bandit Problems, , and . CoRR, (July 2011)Estimation of Rényi Entropy and Mutual Information Based on Generalized Nearest-Neighbor Graphs (extended version), , and . NIPS, (December 2010)Toward a classification of finite partial-monitoring games, , , and . Theoretical Computer Science, (2013)Online-to-confidence-set conversions and application to sparse stochastic bandits, , and . AISTATS, page 1--9. (2012)Improved Algorithms for Linear Stochastic Bandits (extended, corrected version), , and . NIPS, page 2312--2320. (December 2011)Partial monitoring -- classification, regret bounds, and algorithms, , , , and . Mathematics of Operations Research, (2014)Minimax Regret of Finite Partial-Monitoring Games in Stochastic Environments, , and . COLT, page 133--154. (July 2011)A MRF model-based segmentation approach to classification for multispectral imagery., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 40 (5): 1102-1113 (2002)Likelihood ratio detection of signals on reverberation noise., , and . ICASSP, page 1589-1592. IEEE, (2002)