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Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction Based on Digital Twin and Virtual Reality., , , and . RICAI, page 374-378. IEEE, (2023)Spatial-Temporal Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Sequences., , , , and . WACV, page 657-666. IEEE, (2022)Tensor logarithmic norm and its applications., , and . Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 23 (6): 989-1006 (2016)Generalizations of composite inverses with certain image and/or kernel., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., (2022)Lumping algorithms for computing Google's PageRank and its derivative, with attention to unreferenced nodes., , , and . Inf. Retr., 15 (6): 503-526 (2012)Order reduction of bilinear MIMO dynamical systems using new block Krylov subspaces., , and . Comput. Math. Appl., 58 (6): 1093-1102 (2009)Representations for the Drazin Inverse of a 2 x 2 Block Matrix., , and . SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 27 (3): 757-771 (2005)On Normwise Structured Backward Errors for Saddle Point Systems., and . SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 29 (3): 838-849 (2007)Accelerated dynamical approaches for finding the unique positive solution of KS-tensor equations., , , and . Numer. Algorithms, 88 (4): 1787-1810 (2021)Condition numbers of the multidimensional total least squares problems having more than one solution., , and . Numer. Algorithms, 84 (3): 887-908 (2020)