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Exploiting Parallel Networks in Intermittently-Connected Mobile Environments.

, , , , and . WiMob, page 57-62. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)

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Towards a characterization of white spaces databases errors: an empirical study., , and . WiNTECH, page 25-32. ACM, (2014)On target coverage in mobile visual sensor networks., , , and . MOBIWAC, page 39-46. ACM, (2014)ParaNets: A Parallel Network Architecture for Challenged Networks., , , and . HotMobile, page 73-78. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Joint EEG-EMG Data Compression and Classification., , , , and . WCNC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Low Complexity Target Coverage Heuristics Using Mobile Cameras., , , and . MASS, page 217-221. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Awakening the Cloud Within: Energy-Aware Task Scheduling on Edge IoT Devices., , , and . PerCom Workshops, page 191-196. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)SMC: Alternative Smart Media Compression Techniques for Edge Storage Offloading., , and . Q2SWinet, page 65-73. ACM, (2020)OSCAR: a deployable adaptive mobile bandwidth sharing and aggregation system., , and . MobiQuitous, page 361-363. ICST / ACM, (2014)EarBender: Enabling Rich IMU-based Natural Hand-to-Ear Interaction in Commodity Earables., , and . UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, page 333-338. ACM, (2023)Social Forwarding in Large Scale Networks: Insights Based on Real Trace Analysis., and . ICCCN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2011)