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Children as co-creators of video stories: Mobile videos for learning., и . MIPRO, стр. 588-592. IEEE, (2014)Hypermedia for mathematics: authoring courses with HMLE., , и . WCCE, стр. 987-997. Springer, (1995)Experiences from CSCW in Virtual Classrooms.. WebNet, AACE, (1998)Persuasive Mobile Device Sound Sensing in a Classroom Setting., , и . Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol., 7 (1): 16-24 (2013)A WWW Learning Environment for Mathematics., , , , и . WWW (Fall), стр. 251-258. ACM, (1995)The Innovations in Learning and Education SAVI (Invited Poster)., и . CSCL (2), стр. 511-512. International Society of the Learning Sciences, LuLu, Amazon, (2013)Children Designing Videos: Tools, Pedagogical Models, and Best Practices for Digital Storytelling and Media-Making in the Classroom., , и . IDC, стр. 693-696. ACM, (2017)Mobile panoramic video applications for learning.. Educ. Inf. Technol., 19 (3): 655-666 (2014)Visions About Mobile Technologies in Elementary Education., , и . WCCE, том 217 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 651-658. Kluwer, (2001)Facebook ja Youtube – ne on meidän juttu! Kansallinen tutkimus lasten ja nuorten sosiaalisen median ja verkkopalveluiden käytöstä 2011, и . Helsingin yliopisto ja Cicero Learning, (2011)