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Asymptotic laws for regenerative compositions: gamma subordinators and the like, , и . Probability Theory and Related Fields, 135 (4): 576--602 (августа 2006)Gibbs fragmentation trees, , и . (2007)The Asymptotic Speed and Shape of a Particle System, и . Probability Statistics and Analysis, Cambridge University Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 79.(1983)The shortest planar arc of width one, и . Amer. Math. Monthly, (1989)Sur une décomposition des ponts de Bessel, и . Functional Analysis in Markov Processes, том 923 из Lecture Notes in Math, Springer, (1982)Riffle shuffles, cycles and descents, , и . Combinatorica, (1995)Asymptotic laws of planar Brownian motion, и . Annals of Probability, (1986)Wall and Siegmund duality relations for birth and death chains with reflecting barrier, , , и . Journal of Theoretical Probability, (1997)Fluctuation identities for random walk by path decomposition at the maximum, и . Advances in Applied Probability, (1980)Coalescent random forests. J. Comb. Theory A., (1999)