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High output power frequency doubler for digital PLLs in fully integrated 24 GHz CMOS radar systems., , , , , and . ICUWB, page 1-4. IEEE, (2017)48 GHz Power Amplifier for mm-wave LO Distribution Circuitry in 90 nm CMOS., , , and . IEEE GSC, IEEE, (2012)Low-loss 24-GHz passive baluns for on-chip integration., , , , and . ISSSE, page 1-4. IEEE, (2012)60 GHz LNAs in 90 nm CMOS technology., , , , , and . ISSSE, page 1-4. IEEE, (2012)EU Project Resolution - Reconfigurable Systems for Mobile Local Communication and Positioning., , , , , , , , , and 13 other author(s). WINSYS, page 362-366. INSTICC Press, (2006)Link-budget calculations for CMOS integrated microwave receivers., , , , and . EUROCON, page 181-186. IEEE, (2017)Compact Transformerless K-Band PA with more than 33% PAE and 14.8 dBm Output Power in 65 nm Bulk CMOS., and . ICECS, page 25-28. IEEE, (2018)A Dual Stage GaAs Amplifier for a K-Band Direct Receiver., , and . ICECS, page 1023-1025. IEEE, (2006)Impedance Adjustment for Constant Efficiency Power Amplifier Applying Stage Bypass Method., , , , and . ICECS, page 266-269. IEEE, (2007)RF Power Amplifier with Cartesian Feedback for TETRA Modulation., , , , and . ICECS, page 262-265. IEEE, (2007)