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Application of blocking diagnosis methods to General Circulation Models. Part I: a novel detection scheme, , and . Climate Dynamics, 35 (7): 1373--1391 (Dec 1, 2010)Trends and extremes of drought indices throughout the 20th century in the Mediterranean, , , , , and . Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11 (1): 33--51 (Jan 5, 2011)The Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Renewable Energy Resources in Southwestern Europe, , , , , , , and . Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52 (10): 2204--2225 (Oct 11, 2013)Evaluation of the North Atlantic Oscillation as simulated by a coupled climate model, , , , and . Climate Dynamics, 15 (9): 685--702 (Sep 8, 1999)Application of blocking diagnosis methods to General Circulation Models. Part II: model simulations, , , and . Climate Dynamics, 35 (7): 1393--1409 (Dec 1, 2010)A long-term perspective of wind power output variability, , , and . Int. J. Climatol., (Sep 1, 2014)The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project, , , , , , , , , and 17 other author(s). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 137 (654): 1--28 (January 2011)Spatio-temporal Complementarity between Solar and Wind Power in the Iberian Peninsula, , , , , and . Energy Procedia, (2013)