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Short-term reaction of stock markets in stressful circumstances, , and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 27 (10): 1959--1977 (October 2003)Determinants of commission rates for bank trust stock transactions, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 2 (4): 355--366 (December 1978)Interest rate indexation and the pricing of loan commitment contracts, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 11 (1): 137--145 (March 1987)Loan commitments and monetary policy*, , and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 14 (4): 677--689 (October 1990)Option values, stipends and the returns to educational investment, , and . Journal of Econometrics, 6 (2): 243--260 (September 1977)The economics of loan commitment contracts: Credit pricing and utilization, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 10 (2): 267--280 (June 1986)Issue costs in the Eurobond market: The effects of market integration, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (1): 157--177 (January 2006)International institutional lending arrangements to sovereign borrowers, and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 22 (4): 459--481 (August 2003)Credit quality, the intensity of regulation and the segmentation of debt markets, and . Research in Economics, 52 (4): 431--449 (December 1998)Currency swaps, hedging, and the exchange of collateral, and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 11 (5): 446--461 (October 1992)