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A century of physics, , , , и . Nature Physics, 11 (10): 791--796 (01.10.2015)Halting viruses in scale-free networks, и . Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 65 (5): 055103 (2002)Linked. Plume Printing, New Xork, London et al., (2003)Emergence of scaling in random networks, и . Science, 286 (5439): 509--512 (1999)Deterministic Scale-Free Networks, , и . Physica A, 299 (3-4): 559--564 (февраля 2001)Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks, , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 272 (1-2): 173--187 (1999)The diameter of the world wide web, , и . Nature, (1999)Statistical mechanics of complex networks, и . CoRR, (2001)WIPER: The Integrated Wireless Phone Based Emergency Response System., , и . International Conference on Computational Science (3), том 3993 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 417-424. Springer, (2006)Understanding individual human mobility patterns, , и . CoRR, (2008)