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Evaluation metrics for a translation memory system., и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 29 (14): 1265-1284 (1999)Sources of linguistic knowledge for minority languages.. MTSummit, стр. 531-537. (1999)BEDE: A Microprocessor-Based Machine Translation System., и . COLING, стр. 266-272. ACADEMIA, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, (1982)Faking it: Synthetic Text-to-speech Synthesis for Under-resourced Languages - Experimental Design.. ALTA, стр. 71-77. Australasian Language Technology Association, (2005)Book reviews., , , , , , , и . Comput. Humanit., 16 (3): 165-186 (1982)Machine Translation and Minority Languages. Translating and the Computer 19: Papers from the Aslib conference, London, (1997)Round-trip Translation: What Is It Good For?. ALTA, стр. 127-133. Australasian Language Technology Association, (2005)Detecting Inappropriate Use of Free Online Machine Translation by Language Students. A Special Case of Plagiarism Detection., , и . EAMT, European Association for Machine Translation, (2006)The need for MT-oriented versions of Case and Valency in MT.. COLING, стр. 118-123. Institut für angewandte Kommunikations- und Sprachforschung e.V. (IKS), Poppelsdorfer Allee 47, Bonn, Germany, (1986)Mitigating Problems in Analogy-based EBMT with SMT and vice versa: A Case Study with Named Entity Transliteration., , , и . PACLIC, стр. 365-372. Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University, (2010)