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Forecasting Industrial Aging Processes with Machine Learning Methods., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Learning how to explain neural networks: PatternNet and PatternAttribution., , , , , , and . ICLR (Poster),, (2018)Software for Dataset-wide XAI: From Local Explanations to Global Insights with Zennit, CoRelAy, and ViRelAy., , , , and . CoRR, (2021)Toward Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Regression Models: A methodological perspective., , , , , and . IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 39 (4): 40-58 (2022)Algorithmic Differentiation for Automatized Modelling of Machine Learned Force Fields., , and . CoRR, (2022)Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection., , and . NATO ASI Mining Massive Data Sets for Security, volume 19 of NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, page 366-373. IOS Press, (2007)Reinforcement learning for video encoder control in HEVC., , , and . IWSSIP, page 1-5. IEEE, (2017)EEG-Based Assessment of Perceived Quality in Complex Natural Images., , , , and . ICIP, page 136-140. IEEE, (2020)Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models., , , , , and . CoRR, (2020)Multimodal imaging, non-stationarity and BCI.. BCI, page 1. IEEE, (2014)