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Toward OpenACC-enabled GPU-FPGA Accelerated Computing., , , , , and . CLUSTER, page 422-423. IEEE, (2020)Accelerating Radiative Transfer Simulation with GPU-FPGA Cooperative Computation., , , , , , and . ASAP, page 9-16. IEEE, (2020)Accelerating Radiative Transfer Simulation on NVIDIA GPUs with OpenACC., , , , , , and . PDCAT, volume 13798 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 344-358. Springer, (2022)A new ray-tracing scheme for 3D diffuse radiation transfer on highly parallel architectures, , , and . (2014)cite arxiv:1410.0763Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PASJ.An efficient RTL buffering scheme for an FPGA-accelerated simulation of diffuse radiative transfer., , , , , , , and . FPT, page 1-9. IEEE, (2021)Multi-Hybrid Accelerated Simulation by GPU and FPGA on Radiative Transfer Simulation in Astrophysics., , , , , , and . J. Inf. Process., (2020)GPU-FPGA-accelerated Radiative Transfer Simulation with Inter-FPGA Communication., , , , , , and . HPC Asia, page 117-125. ACM, (2023)Accelerating Space Radiative Transfer on FPGA using OpenCL., , , , , , , and . HEART, page 6:1-6:7. ACM, (2018)A 400 trillion-grid Vlasov simulation on Fugaku supercomputer: large-scale distribution of cosmic relic neutrinos in a six-dimensional phase space., , and . SC, page 5. ACM, (2021)High Performance Gravitational N-body Simulations on Supercomputer Fugaku., , and . HPC Asia, page 10-17. ACM, (2022)