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The postmerger share-price performance of acquiring firms, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 29 (1): 81--96 (марта 1991)Bank control, takeovers and corporate governance in Germany, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 22 (10-11): 1385--1403 (октября 1998)Hostile takeovers and the correction of managerial failure, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 40 (1): 163--181 (января 1996)Corporate financial management, и . Farnborough, 2. ed издание, (1977)Insider information and the efficiency of the acquisitions' market. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2 (4): 379--393 (декабря 1978)The direct and compliance costs of financial regulation, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 21 (11-12): 1547--1572 (декабря 1997)Shareholder wealth effects of corporate takeovers : The U.K. experience 1955-1985, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 23 (2): 225--249 (августа 1989)A comparison of financial recontracting in distressed exchanges and chapter 11 reorganizations, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 35 (3): 349--370 (июня 1994)Asset management and investor protection, , и . Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford u.a., (2003)Modern managerial finance, и . A Wiley-interscience publication Wiley, Chichester u.a., (1979)