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Calculus of iterations and labor-capital core-periphery relative redistribution dynamics. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 4 (4): 535--552 (апреля 1994)A Miyazawa analysis of interactions between polluting and non-polluting sectors, , и . Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 9 (3): 289--305 (сентября 1998)LINKAGES, KEY SECTORS, AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE: SOME NEW PERSPECTIVES, , , и . The Developing Economies, 33 (3): 243--246 (1995)Key sectors and structural change in the Brazilian economy: A comparison of alternative approaches and their policy implications, , , и . Journal of Policy Modeling, 11 (1): 67 - 90 (1989)Special Issue in Honor of Wassily Leontief.Once more on Hénon map: Analysis of bifurcations. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 7 (12): 2215--2234 (декабря 1996)