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Frameworks Based on Templates for Rigorous Model-driven Development, , and . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, (October 2007)Refactoring in Maintenance and Development of Z Specifications and Proofs, , and . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 70 (3): 50--69 (November 2002)Using PVS to Prove a Z Refinement: A Case Study., , and . FME, volume 1313 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 573-588. Springer, (1997)MetaChem: An Algebraic Framework for Artificial Chemistries., , and . CoRR, (2019)A Demonstrably Correct Compiler., , , and . Formal Aspects Comput., 3 (1): 58-101 (1991)Protein folding with stochastic L-systems., , and . ALIFE, page 150-157. MIT Press, (2008)Automatically Moving between Levels in Artificial Chemistries., and . ALIFE, page 269-276. MIT Press, (2010)Folding Protein-Like Structures with Open L-Systems., , and . ECAL, volume 4648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1100-1109. Springer, (2007)Tuning Jordan algebra artificial chemistries with probability spawning functions., , and . ECAL, page 497-504. MIT Press, (2017)Desert Island Column.. Autom. Softw. Eng., 12 (1): 139-141 (2005)