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Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient with Clustered Prioritized Sampling., , , и . ICONIP (2), том 11302 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 645-654. Springer, (2018)Application Prospect of Blockchain in Renewable Energy Certificates., , , и . CSAE, стр. 38:1-38:5. ACM, (2020)A Kernel-Based Sarsa( ) Algorithm with Clustering-Based Sample Sparsification., , , , , , и . ICONIP (3), том 9949 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 211-220. (2016)Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning With Automatic Sub-Goal Identification., , , и . IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica, 8 (10): 1686-1696 (2021)A Method to Automatically Discover and Classify Deep Web Data Source Using Multi-Classifier., , , и . CSIE (3), стр. 736-740. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Study on Competitive Intelligence System based on Web., , , , и . IITA, стр. 339-342. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)CoProLITE: Constrained Proxy Learning for lIver and hepaTic lesion sEgmentation., , , , , и . Neurocomputing, (2024)Sparse Kernel-Based Least Squares Temporal Difference with Prioritized Sweeping., , , , , , и . ICONIP (3), том 9949 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 221-230. (2016)A kernel based true online Sarsa(λ) for continuous space control problems., , , , и . Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 14 (3): 789-804 (2017)Study of Logistics Vehicle Routing Problem Based on GIS., , , , и . IITA, стр. 129-132. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)