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A fast filter-bank for adaptive Fourier analysis., , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 47 (5): 1124-1128 (1998)Densely Connected Convolutional Networks (DenseNet) for Diagnosing Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) from Chest X-ray Imaging., , , и . MeMeA, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2021)3D model estimation from multiple images., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 1661-1666. IEEE, (2004)Transform-domain polynomial filtering., , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (1998)Improved Sequential Fuzzy Indexed Search Trees for Fast Classification., , и . MeMeA, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2024)Recursive overcomplete signal representations., и . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 50 (6): 1698-1703 (2001)Anytime Models in Fuzzy Control., , и . ICINCO (3), стр. 213-220. INSTICC Press, (2010)Fuzzy Approaches in Anytime Systems.. On Fuzziness (2), том 299 из Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, стр. 725-735. Springer, (2013)A fast line extraction method based on basic segment grouping., , и . I2MTC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Non Exact Complexity Reductionof Generalized Neuro-Fuzzy Networks., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 980-983. IEEE, (2001)