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Information and communication in mechanism design (אינפורמציה ותקשורת בתכנון מנגנונים.).. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, (2006)Computationally-Feasible Truthful Auctions for Convex Bundles., и . APPROX-RANDOM, том 3122 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 27-38. Springer, (2004)Auctions with Severely Bounded Communication., и . FOCS, стр. 406-415. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Implementation with a bounded action space., и . EC, стр. 62-71. ACM, (2006)Approximating Gains-from-Trade in Bilateral Trading., и . WINE, том 10123 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 400-413. Springer, (2016)Only valuable experts can be valued., , , и . EC, стр. 221-222. ACM, (2011)On-Line Markets for Distributed Object Services: The MAJIC System., , и . USITS, стр. 85-96. USENIX, (2001)Multi-player and Multi-round Auctions with Severely Bounded Communication., , и . ESA, том 2832 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 102-113. Springer, (2003)Reallocation mechanisms., и . EC, стр. 617. ACM, (2014)(Almost) efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading., и . Games Econ. Behav., (2021)