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Multi-person tracking based on vertical reference lines and dynamic visibility analysis.

, , and . ICIP, page 1877-1880. IEEE, (2011)

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Non-Verbal Behavior Generation for Virtual Characters in Group Conversations., , , and . AIVR, page 41-49. IEEE, (2019)HarmTrace: Improving Harmonic Similarity Estimation Using Functional Harmony Analysis., , , and . ISMIR, page 67-72. University of Miami, (2011)Shape Algorithmics.. Algorithmica, 38 (1): 1-4 (2004)Information Hiding and the Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction., and . Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics, page 49-66. Springer, (1995)Placing Music Artists and Songs in Time Using Editorial Metadata and Web Mining Techniques., , and . ISMIR, page 183-188. (2013)On the Segmentation and Classification of Water in Videos., , and . VISAPP (1), page 283-292. SciTePress, (2014)Human Body Orientation Estimation using a Committee based Approach., , , and . VISAPP (3), page 515-522. SciTePress, (2014)MIRUtrecht Participation in MediaEval 2013: Emotion in Music Task., , and . MediaEval, volume 1043 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2013)SHREC 2021: Classification in Cryo-electron Tomograms., , , , , , , , , and 13 other author(s). 3DOR, page 5-17. Eurographics Association, (2021)Multimedia Retrieval Algorithmics.. SOFSEM (1), volume 4362 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 138-154. Springer, (2007)