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An adaptive isodata fuzzy clustering algorithm with partial supervision.

, and . SMC, page 1978-1983. IEEE, (2012)

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An adaptive isodata fuzzy clustering algorithm with partial supervision., and . SMC, page 1978-1983. IEEE, (2012)Can VLM Understand Children's Handwriting? An Analysis on Handwritten Mathematical Equation Recognition., , , , and . AIED Companion (1), volume 2150 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 321-328. Springer, (2024)An adjustable p-exponential clustering algorithm., and . ESANN, (2014)Algoritmos particionais semissupervisionados com ponderação automática de variáveis.. Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, (2015) ( Information Extraction in Semi-structured Official Journals., , , , , and . SBRN, page 51-56. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)An adaptive semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on objective function optimization., and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2012)Plant Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks., , and . IJCNN, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)C^2: : A Collaborative Recommendation System Based on Modal Symbolic User Profile., , and . Web Intelligence, page 673-679. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)A new approach for semi-supervised clustering based on Fuzzy C-Means., and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2010)Predicting Gene Functions Using Semi-supervised Clustering Algorithms with Objective Function Optimization., , , and . SBRN, page 61-66. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)