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A smart method for tracking of moving objects on production line., , , and . VRCAI, ACM, (2008)Bootstrapping Knowledge Base Acceleration, , , , and . Proceedings of The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference, TREC 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 19-22, 2013, Special Publication 500-302, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2013)Scalable inference of decision tree ensembles: Flexible design for CPU-FPGA platforms., , , and . FPL, page 1-8. IEEE, (2017)vChain: Enabling Verifiable Boolean Range Queries over Blockchain Databases., , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 141-158. ACM, (2019)ImageProof: Enabling Authentication for Large-Scale Image Retrieval., , , , and . ICDE, page 1070-1081. IEEE, (2019)DocParser: Hierarchical Document Structure Parsing from Renderings., , , , and . AAAI, page 4328-4338. AAAI Press, (2021)MotionTrack: End-to-End Transformer-based Multi-Object Tracking with LiDAR-Camera Fusion., , , , and . CVPR Workshops, page 151-160. IEEE, (2023)Efficient Matching of Offers and Requests in Social-Aware Ridesharing., , , and . MDM, page 197-206. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Aircraft Detection from Low SCNR SAR Imagery Using Coherent Scattering Enhancement and Fused Attention Pyramid., , , , , and . Remote. Sens., 15 (18): 4480 (September 2023)Automatic Feasibility Study via Data Quality Analysis for ML: A Case-Study on Label Noise., , , , and . ICDE, page 218-231. IEEE, (2023)