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An empirical look at software patents, и . Working paper, Boston, Mass., (марта 2004)Patent failure. How judges, bureaucrats, and lawyers put innovators at risk, и . Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., (2008)Patents and the diffusion of technical information. Economics Letters, 86 (1): 121--128 (января 2005)Sequential innovation, patents, and imitation, и . Working paper, Cambridge, Mass., (2000)Holdup and licensing of cumulative innovations with private information. Economics Letters, 82 (3): 321--326 (марта 2004)Sequentielle Innovation, Patente und Imitation, и . Arbeitspapier, Cambridge, Mass., (ноября 1999)Sequential Innovation, Patents and Imitation. Working Paper Department of Economics. Cambridge: MIT, и . MIT, (2000)Geistiges Eigentum im Internet: Ist alte Weisheit ewig gültig?, и . Open Source Jahrbuch 2005 – Zwischen Softwareentwicklung und Gesellschaftsmodell, Lehmanns Media, Berlin, (2005)The Cost of Ethical AI Development for AI Startups., , и . AIES, стр. 92-106. ACM, (2022)