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Foot motion sensing: augmented game interface based on foot interaction for smartphone.

, , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 293-296. ACM, (2014)

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Vibrotactile TV for immersive experience., , , and . APSIPA, page 1-4. IEEE, (2014)Hand and foot gesture interaction for handheld devices., , and . ACM Multimedia, page 621-624. ACM, (2013)Tele-embodied agent (TEA) for video teleconferencing., , , and . MUM, page 47:1-47:2. ACM, (2013)Face-Off: A Face Reconstruction Technique for Virtual Reality (VR) Scenarios., , , , and . ECCV Workshops (1), volume 9913 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 490-503. Springer, (2016)Foot motion sensing: augmented game interface based on foot interaction for smartphone., , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 293-296. ACM, (2014)Finger in air: touch-less interaction on smartphone., , , , and . MUM, page 16:1-16:4. ACM, (2013)Expressive Multimedia: Bringing Action to Physical World by Dancing-Tablet., , and . HCMC@ACM Multimedia, page 9-14. ACM, (2015)Tele-Immersion: Virtual Reality Based Collaboration., , and . HCI (26), volume 617 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 352-357. Springer, (2016)Embodied Tele-Presence System (ETS): Designing Tele-Presence for Video Teleconferencing., , and . HCI (9), volume 8518 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 574-585. Springer, (2014)