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Dependability Modeling and Analysis of Complex Control Systems: An Application to Railway Interlocking., , и . EDCC, том 1150 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 93-110. Springer, (1996)From Data Flow Networks to Process Algebras., , и . PARLE, том 694 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 740-743. Springer, (1993)Formal Reasoning on Fault Coverage of Fault Tolerant Techniques: A Case Study., , и . EDCC, том 852 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 77-94. Springer, (1994)Incomplete Fault Coverage In Modular Miltiprocessor Systems., и . ACM Annual Conference (1), стр. 210-216. ACM, (1978)Formally Verifying Fault Tolerant System Designs., , и . Comput. J., 43 (3): 191-205 (2000)Architectural challenges for a dependable Information Society., , , и . IFIP Congress Topical Sessions, том 156 из IFIP, стр. 282-304. Kluwer/Springer, (2004)A Distributed Domino-Effect free recovery Algorithm., , и . Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, стр. 207-215. IEEE Computer Society, (1984)Dataflow-Like Languages for Real-Time Systems: Issues of Computational Models and Notations., , и . SRDS, стр. 214-221. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Architectural Challenges for Ämbient Dependability".. WORDS Fall, стр. 245-249. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Towards a Discipline of System Engineering: Validation of Dependable Systems Architectures.. ISADS, стр. 409-410. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)