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Poster: energy consumption impact of UHF RFID reader integration with mobile phones., , , и . MobiSys, стр. 399-400. ACM, (2011)A microscopic look at WiFi fingerprinting for indoor mobile phone localization in diverse environments., , , и . IPIN, стр. 1-10. IEEE, (2013)ReasoNet: Inferring Network Policies Using Ontologies., , , , , , , и . NetSoft, стр. 159-167. IEEE, (2018)Security vulnerabilities and risks in industrial usage of wireless communication., , , , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2014)On the impact of 802.11n frame aggregation on end-to-end available bandwidth estimation., , , и . SECON, стр. 108-116. IEEE, (2014)Experimental investigation of coexistence interference on multi-radio 802.11 platforms., , и . WiOpt, стр. 293-298. IEEE, (2012)Comparison of Virtual Machines and Bare Metal for CNFs at Resource-Constrained Network Edge., , и . NetSoft, стр. 192-196. IEEE, (2023)Baguette: Towards End-to-End Service Orchestration in Heterogeneous Networks., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). IUCC-CSS, стр. 196-203. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Characterization of 802.11n wireless LAN performance via testbed measurements and statistical analysis., , и . SECON, стр. 158-166. IEEE, (2013)The Extended Cloud: Review and Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing and Fog From a Security and Resilience Perspective., , , и . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 35 (11): 2586-2595 (2017)