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Generating Context-Sensitive Multiple Device Interfaces from Design., , и . CADUI, стр. 281-294. Kluwer, (2004)Task modeling for ambient intelligent environments: design support for situated task executions., , и . TAMODIA, стр. 87-94. ACM, (2005)Telebuddies on the move: social stitching to enhance the networked gaming experience., , , и . NETGAMES, стр. 18. ACM, (2006)A Generic Approach For Multi-Device User Interface Rendering With Uiml., , , и . CADUI, стр. 175-182. Springer, (2006)Dynamic User Interface Generation for Mobile and Embedded Systems with Model-Based User Interface Development, , и . (2004)Draw Me a Storyboard: Incorporating Principles and Techniques of Comics to Ease Communication and Artefact Creation in User-Centred Design, , , и . 24th BCS Proceedings of the Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI 2010), (2010)Extending Social Networks with Implicit Human-Human Interaction., , , и . OTM Workshops (1), том 4277 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 884-893. Springer, (2006)Telebuddies: social stitching with interactive television., , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1049-1054. ACM, (2006)Intellingo: An Intelligible Translation Environment., , , , , , и . CHI, стр. 524. ACM, (2018)Suit up!: enabling eyes-free interactions on jacket buttons., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1549-1554. ACM, (2014)