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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Defeasible reasoning with variable degrees of justification. Artificial Intelligence, 133 (1-2): 233-282 (2001)Self-defeating arguments. Minds and Machines, (1991)Contemporary Theories of Knowledge. Rowman and Littlefield, (1986)A Theory of Defeasible Reasoning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, (1991)The Structure of Epistemic Justification. American Philosophical Quarterly, (1970)Degrees of justification. The role of pragmatics in contemporary philosophy (Proceedings of the 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Seite 207-223. Vienna, A, (1998)( Driven Suppositional Reasoning. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 6 (4): 419-461 (1990)Implementing Defeasible Reasoning. Workshop on Computational Dialectics, International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning (FAPR'96), Bonn, Germany, (1996)Perceiving and Reasoning about a Changing World. Computational Intelligence, 14 (4): 498-562 (1998)Cognitive Carpentry: A Blueprint for How to Build a Person. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (1995)