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Optimum electoral areas: Should Europe adopt a single election day?

, and . European Economic Review, 43 (8): 1595--1619 (August 1999)

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International trade and integration of the European Community : An econometric analysis, and . European Economic Review, 32 (7): 1439--1449 (September 1988)Optimum electoral areas: Should Europe adopt a single election day?, and . European Economic Review, 43 (8): 1595--1619 (August 1999)The political economy of EC regionalism. European Economic Review, 42 (3-5): 717--732 (May 31, 1998)Exchange rate regimes and trade prices Does the EMS matter?, and . Journal of International Economics, 38 (1-2): 75--94 (February 1995)Trade benefits under the EEC generalized system of preferences. European Economic Review, 15 (3): 339--355 (March 1981)Economic impact of generalized tariff preferences, and . Thames essays Gower, Aldershot, Hants u.a., (1987)Foreign competition, immigration and structural adjustment. Journal of International Economics, 14 (3-4): 381--394 (May 1983)New issues in the Uruguay round : Services, TRIMs and TRIPs, and . European Economic Review, 36 (2-3): 509--518 (April 1992)